Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some better photos

If you are really lucky, there are times in your life when you'll meet people

that really have an impact on your life in a good way.

Kerry Pinkerton has been that way for me. Kerry's always inspiring me with his patience and encouragement, and he's taught me so much about so many different ways of doing things.

Kerry makes very high quality English Wheels for metalworking.

He built me this custom wheel:

I am in the process of creating a large outdoor fountain for he and his lovely wife Carolyn.

I'll post pictures and a video on the site when it is finished.

Where did my May go?

What a wonderful month! I have so much to tell and show it will take a bit of work..

Speaking of work, I have been swamped with wonderful commissions lately and need to find a slow spell to get a chance to post it all here! It looks like that might be mid-June!

Please forgive me if I post bits in fits and starts!

Here is one that shipped out to Wyoming this week!

I can't wait to hear what Rondo's wife has to say about her surprise!

It sure was hard to let it go...

(better photos to come, these were quick snaps)