Wow! This years show was an epic success.
Thank you so much to all my customers that came by and said hello.
This years sales were fantastic! I had no idea how many folks were reading this little blog!
I'll have to take much better care and post more often!
It sprinkled a bit during set up but thankfully water is no problem with my work. That all cleared out and overall I was really happy with the weather.
I had my usual problems with electricity, but thank goodness for my
wonderful friend Kerry Pinkerton who was nice enough to loan me his (Really cool) little and very quiet generator. To compound his good deed Kerry and his lovely wife Carolyn came by at the best possible time to save me once again, as the generator was stalling.
I thought I was out of gas so I went off to "borrow" a cup.
If anyone knows who was in the booth selling that Peanut Brittle
(it was OUT OF THIS WORLD) please let me know?
He was nice enough to give me some gas.
I lost the label (I may have eaten it...) and want to buy a small truckload of that brittle!
UPDATE: It's Uncle Salty's old fashioned handmade gourmet Peanut Brittle. Incredible stuff! Made right here in Huntsville too. Now where to buy it? I'm working on that too.
Watch for a second Update...
Kerry quickly figured it out that now I wasn't low on gas,
I was low on oil. (it's always something!)
A very nice chainsaw artist nearby was kind enough to
give me a bit, and I was back in business. The o
il intake is hidden behind a panel so I wasn't even aware that it used oil. It was great to have them come visit with me and I hope they enjoyed the show!
My new homemade folding display racks worked out really well and I was very happy that others liked them too.
Duh, I forgot my Camera! If anyone got some photos please let me know? I'd love to post them here.
Now I have to really work like mad this week! I am Very low on inventory now, and have all these shows coming up fast, a wonderful position to be in. : ) Thank you so much everyone!